I have been trying to learn Japanese for 10 years. Still no success.

I’m an American 16 year old whose parents have, for the last 20 years, worked in Japan. I’ve been trying to learn the language since I was 6. Now that I’m 16 however, I still haven’t succeeded in learning the language. I’ve got multiple books, took online classes, and used all the apps. I just can’t retain anything I learn. I would love to go to Japan again soon, but I would like to improve my Japanese first. My parents both speak fluently, and I’m the only one whose not able to. If anyone has faced a similar problem, or has any advice that would help, I would greatly appreciate it.

  1. If yove truly exhausted your resources, is it possible you may have a learning disability? Maybe there’s something about language learning that works for most people that doesn’t for you.

    Being serious FYI, not intending to insult you.

  2. I’m having the same problem, I can’t retain what I learned I’m having a tough time and my current teacher is trying so hard not to be frustraited with me… She is so patient. I also don’t want to accept that I may have alearning disability because then I have given up and failed and I refuse to do that.

  3. Are your parents speaking Japanese to you? or do they give up and switch to English after a few minutes? Ask them to exclusively speak Japanese in the home, if you’re not forced to use it at home I can understand how you wouldn’t understand.

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