Causing an accident on a bicycle – consequences

Coming out of my apartment building I just saw a guy on a bicycle rolling down the sidewalk switch to the street left lane a bit carelessly. This caused the sweet 1940’s Alfa Romeo collection race car Lotus 7 to swerve to avoid him, do a wide S curve, almost flip over and end up hitting the left sidewalk railing. Thankfully he was well harnessed and there was no one on that piece of sidewalk.

The guy on the bicycle just continued along, barely looking back at the mayhem he caused.

This got me to thinking, if I was the guy on the bicycle I hope I would have the decency to stay around, make sure the guy in the car was ok and face the consequences with the cops.

I have basic bicycle insurance but what would happen in this case. The car is probably a priceless collection piece. Would I end up on the hook for massive damages?

by furansowa

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