How quickly can/should I refinance an auto loan after getting it?

So I’m an idiot.

Bought a car through Gulliver. Was looking at the monthly payment only.

I traded in my old car to get something more economical and had a residual balance of about ¥500k.

Gulliver gave me a loan from Orico claiming it was the same interest as my previous loan 4%.

Well what they did was make two loans. One for the ¥500k at that low interest rate and one for the new car at 14%. FML

Just got the car today and did some quick math. I could easily save a lot of money by refinancing but my current bank (SBI Shinsei) doesn’t seem to offer car loans.

Is it too early to go open an smbc account (I have their Amazon card so I do have credit history with them)
And refinance? I just got the loan so I’m worried about running my credit too often.

I have PR so that’s no issue. Anyone else do something similar?

by PM_ME_petitewomen

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