Skin cancer screenings?

So I’m paper-white and over 50, I should be getting screened regularly for skin cancer. The problem is that I can’t find anyone who does it.

I went to a nearby dermatologist who told me he doesn’t do them and to go to a hospital instead. I went to St. Luke (where I’d gotten a screening several years ago) who told me they don’t do them anymore and to go to a clinic instead. I called around a few clinics in my area and none of them do screenings.

What do Japanese people do, just wait until a tumor gets big enough to call the doctor itself?

Do any of you know a clinic or hospital, preferably in the 23-ku (although I have free time now) that does full-body 皮膚がん検査/スクリーニング?

by SublightMonster

  1. The national cancer center will do it, but you have to pay +9000 yen if you don’t have a referral.

  2. This is great info for me. I’ve gone to two local dermatologists recently who told me that skin cancer screenings are not common in Japan, and to come once I get cancer!

  3. Thank you everyone for the referrals, I’ll be making a few phone calls!

  4. I get full body skin checks at Sowaka clinic in Tokyo! They only charge the minimal amount. After trying 10+ clinics in several prefectures, this is the only place that works for me.

  5. I asked my local dermatologist. They don’t do annual routine skin checks in Japan. Instead, you just go in whenever you see a spot or something unusual. So every year just go and ask about all the moles and if they are okay. Then, if you ever notice anything new or different, just go in and ask when you notice.

    Preventive care is super crazy here (sunscreen, sun visors, hats, uv umbrellas, uv arm sleeves, etc.) so skin cancer is not common here at all.

  6. Any recommendations for a dermatologist who does full body screenings and speaks English? I haven’t had luck finding one myself. I speak serviceable Japanese for most purposes, but don’t feel comfortable trusting my limited language abilities when it comes to my health.

  7. these aren’t white people so their risk of skin cancer is a lot lower.

    anyway, yes, what you want is a dermatologist to do a skin/mole check.

    i just tried googling it and there were plenty of results in english.

    so i think just keep calling around and compare prices.

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