I'm Japanese, currently living in Malaysia. I'll be here for about 5 years.
I have a good amount of cash savings in JPY in Japanese accounts (MUFG and Rakuten) and also cash savings in USD in a US account (from when I worked in the US).
I will be returning to Japan after living in Malaysia. I'm currently earning MYR into a Malaysian account.
I had to sell off & close my NISA when I left Japan.
What are good options for my savings while living in Malaysia? Is it worth the transfer costs/currency conversion/even possible to invest in ETFs (Japanese or US) via an online broker such as IBKR or Rakuten Malaysia? Is it better to invest in property in Japan? Should I keep it in my mattress at my parents house?!
Any anecdotal advice / insights would be appreciated.
by CautiousPickle5979