Is it good to quit job right after getting the naturalization?

Is it good to quit job right after getting the naturalization?

I just got 許可 for naturalization to Japanese citizenship. Got my name on 官報 in early July, processed the kikatodoke to city hall and return resident card to the immigration several days after. Basically I'm in the process of the making of kosekitouhon right now, they said it'll be done by around July 19.

Actually I've been thinking about quitting my job. Have been patient for the longest time to not do that, until finally the moment comes. However, I'm afraid that my company can sue me and cancel my naturalization results if i do it too quickly, because basically they have helped me making some documents last year for the application.

I truly appreciate them as an employer, but the job caused me depression and the work schedule is busy, I can't even go outside interview for new jobs. The company rules said notice period is 2 months, so now I really think to submit resignation later as soon as possible before I get too burnt out.

So, any good advice?

Update 2024/7/8:

All, thank you for all the comments. Really appreciate it.

I called houmukyoku and kuyakusho where the kosekitouhon is made. They said that there is no problem with me quitting job and it's my right (+responsibility) to do it.

I guess I'll quit my job this week. Wish me luck

by oonggaboong

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