does “69” have the same cultural connotations in Japan that it does in the West? I swear I’m not being weird

I know this is a really bizarre question to ask but hear me out. I am watching a new anime on a friends’ suggestion, really enjoying it so far, but there is also this whole… tragic backstory connected to someone being referred to as number 69, and I desperately need to know if the mangaka was aware of the cultural connotations (you know the ones. hehe nice) it has here in the West.

Is “69” a meme in Japan/Japanese the same way it is in the West, or is this just a complete coincidence born specifically to deal psychic damage to me? Please, I need to know.

Thank you in advance everyone, and I am so sorry for the bizarre question.

  1. In Japan, what you’re thinking of is pronounced “six-nine,” so if it’s the number 69, it would most likely be pronounced “roku-ju-kyu” and not be related to what you’re thinking of. I think if something further was being hinted at, you’d know it through context.

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