Is it possible to get an esim set up before moving?

Hi, I tried looking for similar threads and information online, but i couldn’t find a good answer. Is it possible to get an esim added and set up before arriving in japan? I’m moving in a week ish.

Adding this detail: I have a highly skilled worker visa.

Thanks in advance!

  1. You need to give us more info like what kind of visa you have.

    For non-citizen, it’s a non-starter since mobile companies require residency [gaijin] card which you can only get via immigration when entering Japan. And that card is no good until you register with your local city hall where your address gets stamped in the back of the card. You will also need your passport as well (this is the case for both cell phone and fiber internet service). I just went through all this the past 2+ weeks…

  2. Not an ESIM, no.

    It’s possible to get a “travel” SIM from companies like Mobal or Sakura, but for a ‘real’ phone plan you generally need a juminhyo (residence certificate) or at the very least a residence card with an address registered like u/dannyhacker mentioned.

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