Best place for (older) anime merchandise+ cheat sheet for store clerks

I'm planning a trip to Japan this coming August for comiket and wanting to know if there are any places for older anime merchandise.

I started getting into anime around the late 00's through to the teens so a lot of Haruhi, Lucky Star, Big Shonen three – One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, (bake)Monogatari, Nisekoi, and Persona 3. I'm not into the latest trends like Chainsaw Man, Demon Slayer, JJK, or Pokemon.

I've combed through this subreddit and a lot of these threads asking these questions are quite old so I thought is worth an update. So far I have gathered

  • Akihabara – the obvious choice and my go to as well. I'm staying pretty close to here (20 min walk). However I have heard that it is: higher priced+ more modern anime goods.
  • Nakano – Nakano Broadway is I believe a mall with quite a few floors of anime goods. Going in August+ reading that they sell older goods+ at a discount compared to Akihabara makes it higher on the list of places for me to buy from
  • Going to stores such as: K-Books, Book Off/Hard Off, Jungle, and Manga Souko may reap rewards as well in terms of older items and discounts esp if they are out of the city/ touristy areas

Has this information changed or am I going along the right lines?

Lastly I thought I'd produce a cheat sheet that I could hand to clerks to help me find goods. The cheat sheet will have the name of the character, series, author, and maybe a picture as well of the character written in the kanji+ furigana. I'm pretty particular about what merchandise I'd like to collect i.e. specific characters so I was wondering if anyone has utilised this method to find goods that aren't catalogued on myfigurecollection such as shikishi boards, doujinshi, acrylic stands etc. I know clerks can be attentive but I don't know if anyone that has visited has utilised this method. Please let me know down below.

by The_Makster

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