Japanese comedy that foreigners can enjoy

There was a post about how Japanese comedy is just not funny. Instead of manzai, search youtube for conto (コント), they are comedic short stories about everyday life in Japan. So, no fast talkers, slapsticks, just normal everyday conversations. It’s good as listening practice, and once you understand enough, they can be hilarious.
The group that I like the most is 中川家, then サンドウィッチマン, there are others, but I think 中川家 is the best by far. They both have regularly updated youtube channels.

  1. What’s wrong with manzai?

    Just like there’s a ton of stand-up comedy from the US that I find terrible, it’s the same with manzai.

    (Also, Sandwich Man is God awful and I no longer trust your opinion on anything.)

  2. To add on to this, Tokyo 03, アンジャッシュ, and Jinnai Tomonori do great sketches too!

  3. Foreigners can enjoy all Japanese comedy. It just depends on what you like. Manzai’s great too.

  4. I learned to understand manzai from the comedy sketches from Ni no Kuni. They have a full series, subtitles, and are targeted towards kids/younger teens. I recommend it.

    ドートン森 ようせい漫才劇場

    For anyone else viewing this and thinking of adding links, they’re banned here for some reason.

  5. Ramens have a lot of skits that are comparable to western sketch comedy if that’s your thing

  6. さまぁ~ず, although I dont think they do much manzai anymore. Just then shooting the shit is funny, though, and not as many of their conversations revolve around other celebrities as with Downtown or Sanma

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