Advice on Overnight Visit to Koyasan, Please

Hi Everyone!
I need help with the Kansai part of our trip, specifically our overnight in Koyasan.
I have followed the Japanese communities here for a few months, thank you, and used much of your generous advice while planning our two-week, first trip to Japan arriving November 6, 2024. As a result, my son (M 31) and I (F 66) will start our trip in Tokyo (staying in Ueno,) head through the Golden Triangle and return to Tokyo (Ginza) for a few days before our return to Los Angeles November 20. 
Specific Advice needed: An overnight visit to Koyasan is a must. I am thinking of going there straight from Tokyo to travel Tokyo, Koyasan, Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo. My preliminary plan is to visit Koyasan overnight on Monday November 11, traveling direct from Tokyo (via Osaka.) We would return to Osaka the next day for two nights and then to Kyoto, traveling back to Tokyo on 11/17. Should we visit these cities in a different order? (And do you have a recommendation for what temple to stay at in Koyasan, or how make those arrangements?)
The travel plan, so far:
* November 6-10: Arrive LA to Tokyo Haneda about 5 pm, staying at Mitsui Garden Hotel Ueno
* November 11, Monday: Tokyo via Osaka (train about three hours or fly, about one hour plus airport time.) Transfer in Osaka for Koyasan, about 2 1/2 hours, planning to arrive before dark, about 5 pm. Ship our luggage from Tokyo to our Osaka hotel.
* November 12-13: Koyasan to Osaka arriving about 5 pm 11/12 for a two-night stay. 
* November 14-16, Osaka to Kyoto
(Despite the short transit time between the two cities, we are changing hotels to balance my son’s and my different interests.) We have a couple of craftsman classes scheduled and might try for a day trip to Nara. 
* November 17-19: Kyoto to Tokyo, (Ginza) ( about 2 1/2 hours) for three nights.
*  November 20: Delta to Los Angeles departing about 5:30 pm on Wednesday, be at Haneda about 2:30 pm.
Please give me any suggestions or advice you think would help us.  There are things to fill in, but I want to be open-ended except where tickets are a challenge (like Ghibli!) I need to funish hotel reservations and make arrangements for Koyasan. Thanks for taking the time to read this itinerary and give me advice, especially regarding our plans for Koyasan, and how to arrange a temple stay (I’ll research that next.)

by Ginny2023

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