Kids duo or local kindergarten?

So I have been studying Japanese full time for almost 2 years. I want to stay in Tokyo and even if I’m not native I graduate from university so I can get a job visa so I just sent a lot of cv and cover letters and I got a lot of interviews and two offers right now.

The problem it’s even if the two companies are willing to hire me and sponsor my visa they aren’t great but as I said I want to remain in Japan so I’m going to accept one offer but I’m not sure which one.

The first offer is to work in kids duo. And yeah I read the posts about the company but the salary is good for me and I also have an investment property back home so I can live comfortably with the two incomes, and they can sponsor my visa and I’m use to work with young Japanese kids because I worked part time teaching kindergartners and elementary schoolers.

The second is a kindergarten and “international school” the owner is a Japanese woman in her 50s looks friendly and polite but she have been teaching English for 30 years but she has a pretty strong Japanese accent and uses a lot of Japanese words when speaking English also she makes a lot of grammar mistakes both when she speaks and when she writes in her classes. She also told me she would take 1000 yens from my salary every time I get late even for one minute and I would have to still work my 8 hours. She has other native teachers (some native and some like me _) so she has been able to sponsor job visas before.

Salary is almost the same around 250,000 yen, both places are Monday to Friday, the local school is 80 minutes from my apartment and in kids duo they told me is going to be a school in Tokyo but can’t tell me which one until I finish the training period.

So I would like if you can tell me your experience working in kids duo or other school of the same group and if you can give an advice regardless which offer should I accept. And please I know some people like to say English teaching is not a good career and maybe I could earn more money at home but I want to keep living in Japan and I am happy working with kids so please don’t advise me to work in other industries or countries.

by Embarrassed-Top-2255

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