Will my one time COE rejection have effect on my University COE application

So for context
I will be going to university in Japan
But I have lived in Japan before (pre covid )
First time applied for COE for language school back in 2012 no problem there
Finish language school then went to enrolled in 専門学校 graduated and then job hunting got accepted into Japanese restaurant chain and try to change visa got denied cause I don’t have bachelor degree (tokutei visa wasn’t a think yet back then ) and got 帰国準備stamp in passport
So I went back and use my saving to try to set up a media company with friend (I invest 5,000,000 yen in hope of getting 経営管理 visa) then apply for 経営 管理 COE but application wasn’t issue because same reason no university degree
Then covid hit so me and friend put the company into 休眠 
I went back home to work with family business .
Now fast forward to 2023 I got tired of working with family member and want to go back to japan so I look up university in japan that I might have a chance of getting in
Applied and got accepted !
But now they send me a document for COE application and there a section about how many time I have applied for COE and how many time it wasn’t issue.
So that is my concern will my failed application for 経営管理 affect my application for 留学 COE

by Necessary-Income-160

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