Looking for share house/ apartment around Ritsumeikan university

Hello, I'm currently looking for accommodation options around ritsumeikan university. I was finally given a date that I would be arriving 1st week of April so my timeline is tiny. Time is the biggest disadvantage in my case but if anyone has any recommendations that would be great. Thank you in advance 🙏🙏

For context i've looked at some sharehouse :-

1)8nest – rooms unavailable for sharehouse close to ritsumeikan
2)Oakhouse – Quite a distance away and intial fee too pricy
3)Borderless House – Apparently the sharehouse close to my uni is only open to Japanese nationals

by Blahbiblah

  1. Hiii! Could you, by any chance, tell me about what you discovered about these sharehouses? I’m also looking at a few but as a language school students under a visa waiver. It seems 8nest have a couple great ones. I wonder how one discovers if these sharehouses are… real? I mean, trusted companies, you know? Ty in advance!!

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