Japanese soldier in Russian Army killed in Ukraine

by Eureka-4407

  1. A Japanese man in his 20s was found dead after taking part in the Russian invasion of Ukraine as a volunteer soldier in the Russian Armed Forces.

    According to several government officials, a Japanese man in his 20s died last month after taking part in the fighting as a volunteer soldier in the Russian army during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.This information was conveyed to the Japanese Embassy by the Russian side.

    It is not known how the man came to be involved in the fighting or any other details.His body is expected to be handed over to his family in Japan.

  2. What a cunt. Plenty of ways to commit suicide without taking part in horrific human rights abuses. Well deserved.

  3. I‘m wondering how you would even end up there given all the visa difficulties, language barrier and turbulent history.

  4. I legitimately did not expect volunteer troops of any kind on the Russian side… Wonder how many there are

  5. hes not even the only japanese guy to fight on the russian side by the way, theres another guy on YOUTUBE that fights for russia.

  6. Made stupid choices and died like an idiot, but I can respect them as a casualty of war that died fighting, that is all I have to say.

  7. It’s not that uncommon for Japanese men that want to see combat to join armies of other countries as the chance of seeing it in the Japanese Defense Force are nearly zero.

  8. Hate to think of the stuff he was subjected to while serving under russian soldiers…

  9. A clear case of “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes”. Goes beyond me how any Japanese can fight for a country it is technically still at war with and occupies parts of their homeland territory.

  10. If you volunteer on either side, they will purposely put you on the front line in the hottest war area. You become cannon fodder

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