7 days from Tokyo to Fukuoka – Fly to Osaka or JR pass?

Hey all, need help with detailing my itinerary but noticed that my plans can drastically change if JR pass is worth it that way we can explore areas between Tokyo – Osaka/Kyoto.

Here's the rough plan we have so far. Keep in mind this will be my second time but not my partners so we will are skipping some things – i.e Arashimyama bamboo + monkey and Nara park. We plan to take aboat to Busan from Fukuoka.

Sept 1st – Sunday – Tokyo
– Arrive NRT at 12:25
– Get to Tokyo around 2:30 – 3? and check in
– Shibuya crossing, maybe Shibuya sky?
– Food and explore the area

*** Here's where our plans could start to change depending on if JR pass is worth or not

Sept 2nd – Monday – Tokyo/Hakone
– Meeting up with friends who also have a day in Tokyo so we will likely do this morning portion with them
– Meiji Jingu + Takashita Street – Early AM
– Nakamise-dori Street + Sensoji Temple – Early Noon/Noon
– Food at some point around this time
– Leave for Hakone
– Check in – relax at a Ryokan

Sept 3rd – Tuesday – Hakone/Tokyo/Osaka
– Breakfast + checkout by 11 and come back to Tokyo
– Free 2 ish hours
– Get on plane to Osaka
– Check in Osaka by 7pm
– Explore Namba/Dotonbori area

Sept 4th – Wednesday – Kyoto
– Leave for Kyoto
– Hit up Fushimi Inari Taisha
– Hit up Gion/Higashiyama Ward area
– Food
– Go back to Osaka
– Free slot at night time?

** Here's also where I think JR pass is worth it, i feel like there's not much to see in Hiroshima ? feel like we can spend a day here without spending a night **
Sept 5th – Thursday – Osaka/Hiroshima
– Check out and leave for Hiroshima
– Peace museum
– Free slot if spending the night or Miyajima

Sept 6th – Friday – Hiroshima/Miyajima
– Leave for Miyajima
– spend pretty much the day
– come back to Hiroshima
– free slot

Sept 7th – Saturday – Hiroshima/Fukuoka
– Leave for Fukuoka
– Dont seem like not much to see here but other areas of Kyushu sounds cool like Beppu.
– If we get JR pass, i feel that we can spend extra day in Tokyo (or somewhere between Tokyo – Kyoto) on the Hakone day then just do a Ryokan near Beppu area.
– Free slot?

Sept 8th – Sunday – Fukuoka
– Free slot – get on boat around 2?
– check out, aim to arrive in Busan by like 6pm

** We also wanted to leave Japan on Monday so there's now another extra day we can have.

I feel that I have to do Shinkansen from Osaka to Hiroshima and Hiroshima to Fukuoka, if that's the case, i feel that just getting JR pass might be worth it at that point.

Any tips/recommendations?

by bbnocandy

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