Single website where we can check train connections and prices?

We will be traveling in Japan for 3 weeks in Aug and would like to double check train (public transport) connections between few cities and prices. We can buy Japan Rail Pass for 3 weeks for about 600 euro p.p. but we are not sure if we will be able to use it on all routes of our trip and if so, if JRP will be a good value for money for us. Is there a (single) website we can check connections and prices? Our itinerary will be Tokyo-Nikko-Tokyo (1d trip), Tokyo-Hakone-Tokyo (1d trip), Tokyo-Kawaguchiko(Mt.Fuji)-Tokyo (1d trip), Tokyo-Kyoto, Kyoto-Osaka, Osaka-Nara-Osaka (1d trip), Osaka-Kobe-Osaka (1d trip), Osaka-Himeji(stop)-Okayama, Okayama-Hiroshima, Hiroshima-Nagoya, Nagoya-Tokyo. Thank you in advance for any pointers.

by Niebieskideszcz

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