Koseki Tohon Questions! If you are an expert in this, I need you.

Hi everyone. I'll make this post quick and to the point. I am a half Japanese and half Nigerian male living in the united states. I am 24 years old and still in school. My Father has citizenship in Japan and my Mother is US citizen. I learned several years ago that the reason I do not have dual citizenship is because my family failed to register me to the Koseki Tohon (Family Registry). I have 3 younger siblings. My younger brother was able to be registered so he has his dual citizenship, but my younger twin sisters (aged 12) were not registered either.

What can I do to get either my name or my sisters on the family registry? If there are some legal services that would help me please feel free to reply. I also have great communication with my Japanese grandparents who are living in Japan. Appreciate any help! 🙂

by nickonoma

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