How do you integrate writing & grammar into your daily study Routine?

Hello everyone!

I know this question may sound dumb because the obvious answer could and should simply be "well…just do it, d'uh."

I am quite good at practicing reading and listening, as well as doing my vocabs.
I understand some N4-N3 ish grammar, but I want to get better.

However, i never seem to be able to stick to grammar books.
Podcasts also dont seem to work for me, as I need the grammar written down, ideally.

I also try to integrate writing into my routine to use the grammar i tried learning, but often I just ..dont. lol. It truly is a stupid problem of my own Design and making.

Do you have any fun or engaging ways of practicing writing?

How do you take your notes? And where?

Which websites do you use for grammar?
There s so many around, its often hard to know which ones are great. Tae Kim is a resource i really like to use. =D

Sorry for these seemingly dumb questions – in theory i know how to do and approach these things, but first i must also find a way to make them look appealing to my brain so I can stick to them.
Thus i d be Happy to hear of your approaches and how you tackle studying these things!! =]
Thank you!

by OnSilentSoles

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