Has anyone ever used ACOM? I don’t have PR yet, and might need a small loan, but my Japanese wife is freaking out at just the name of the company.

Yeah she basically said they are more or less the same thing as yakuza.

I have read like 40 articles online now, and I can’t find a single bad story about them. But does anyone have experience with them?

  1. >Yeah she basically said they are more or less the same thing as yakuza.

    Once upon a time. Now owned by a megabank.

  2. They were literally founded as a ‘legitimate’ arm of the yakuza. They, and companies like them, are responsible for endless misery as people find themselves with debts they just can’t service. Their business model is to load you with debt at interest rates you cannot afford…so the debt keeps growing. Once they have you, they will never let you go. (Hence the old ‘Ha-ji-me-te A-ko-muuuuuu’ ads … the whole business plan is about bringing in suckers to leech off for the rest of their lives.

    Use them as an absolute last resort, and even then think hard.

  3. She’s not wrong, although the situation has probably changed over the years. Around 2003 they passed a law regulating the interest rates for consumer credit companies because that was completely out of hand and the collection processes were terrible. I recall at least one case of a family that was harassed to the point they all jumped in front of train.

    Can’t you use a credit card? I can’t think of a reason for a small consumer loan that’s a good apart from car loans or small business loans, both of which have specific lenders.

  4. Never take a loan from アコム, アイフル, or other loans companies. In any country these companies are a big NONO. Its the worst way to get a loan, you will pretty much being paying a lot more than the loan.

    You will never get out of the loan without paying loads of money.

    If its to buy something like a car, ask your bank or some family, or find some gigs to pay it.

  5. Sorry but what is your purpose ? Your wife say no good, as far as I know it means no, so …


    You should talk with your wife about why you need money and what are the different options available. You can not bring your family in credit world just for your personal interest.

  6. There’s no reason to use ACOM or other payday loan companies, they’re predatory as fuck. And stay far, far away from the smaller 街金 unless you want to get visited by some real shady characters when you don’t pay the ridiculous fees

  7. It may be wise to listen to your wife on this one. While ACOM isn’t the yakuza and won’t break your legs for late payments, they are still very predatory and can use every legal trick in the book to make your life hell.

  8. My Japanese husband strongly advises against using such salary loan companies because they do have a shady reputation.

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