(Total beginner) help with NISA

I’m mid-thirties, with Japanese citizenship, a mortgage and a family.
Currently I’m maxing out my retirement payments through 確定拠出年金制度 and contributing each month into my insurance company’s 15 years savings program (these savings are meant to be used for my kid’s university fees).
I would like starting investing a bit in eMAXIS Slim next, but for the love of God (and due to my apparently terrible googling skills) I couldn’t figure out how to do it so I would really appreciate some guidance.

1) I’m looking into opening a NISA account with MUFG, saw you could do it online but I just can’t find where is the bloody link to starting the application. Do I have to head out to the bank directly? Do I have to call them?
2) Is it okay to be doing 確定拠出年金 and NISA at the same time, is there any sort of limit? I was thinking of doing NISA for 10 years (for school fees).
3) Do I have to log in each month to purchase stocks or is it done automatically with the contribution amount I set in the system? Can I change the contribution amount halfway through?

Would really appreciate any insights from more experienced members of the community. Wish everyone a great day!

by blablabla953

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