Certificate of bank balance for self-supporting students

So I’ve been looking into studying in japan at a university or college.When I came across the CoE requirements I was confused by the bank balance requirements and how they differ from source to source.One source says that if you’re gonna support yourself you need to have enough money saved to support yourself for the whole time you’re gonna live there(aka 4-5 years) plus tuition.that’s gonna be about 10mil yen,which sounds like nonesense to me,what kind of 18-20 year old is gonna have 10 million saved up.Some other sources say you only need 1,5-2mil saved up,which sounds much more achievable.This is very confusing.

Detailing my situation,I get an allowance from my country’s government every month that is around 130k yen a month,I can save up the 1,5-2mil before the time I’ll need to get the CoE and I’ll probably take out a student loan to pay for tuition.I’m also from Finland,I’m saying this cause I know the requirements might be different for non-EU country.My parents are not gonna support me,at least not substantially.

I also saw someone saying that they usually only issue visas for 1 year and renew it every year.Would I have to magically save up another 2 million yen for them to let me stay or would some kind of regular income proof(the allowance) be enough the second time?

by HarmonyVoice

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