Realistically, how easy is it to find private student accommodation in Kyoto on short notice?

I am scheduled (provided nothing unexpected happens) to be studying on an exchange program at Doshisha for a year starting this September. I'm currently going through all the paperwork with my home university, and if I want to apply for student dorms at all, I am required to do so now.

I'd much prefer to stay in private accommodation if I can, but from everything I've read and found it seems that it's only really going to be possible in person. I'm only going to be able to arrive at most 2 weeks before the orientation week starts, and I want to know if that is a reasonable timeframe in which to find accommodation.

I have been provided with various resources for actually finding the accommodation, it is just the timeframe of the actual process of expressing interest / getting approved / filling out the paperwork / getting moved in / setting up utilities / furnishing etc. that I am interested in. Is it feasible to get all this done in a week or so?

If it really seems impossible I will consider applying for the dorms but I would really rather avoid it if I can lol

by TheDustyForest

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