Emergency: In desperate need of reasonably priced (long-term) student accomodation after dorm company f’d me over just prior to signing

Not sure if this is alright to post here, but as the title reads, I’m in urgent need of a reasonably priced dormitory / apartment or literally anything else that I can get my hands on prior to September 20th. Must be in either Yokohama/Kanagawa or Tokyo!

The TLDR on my situation is that the company running the student accomodation that I was about to sign with and move to just hit me with the biggest and most ridiculous bill with only 1 day to pay and no explanation as to why it was more than three times the price listed on the website gI’m pretty sure they were trying to take advantage of the fact that I’m not super familiar with the way this all works here).

Does anyone have any recommendations?
I’m open to anything and everything at this point now that I have only 10 days to locate an alternative!
My budget is anything below 75,000 per month, preferably as cheap but as nice as possible!

Thank you in advance for your kind help ❤️

  1. There are several sharehouse companies that are within your budget

    Oakhouse, Sakura House, Tokyo Sharehouse, etc

    Some are decent, some are garbage. Your mileage will wildly vary based on location and the luck of the draw with flatmates

    Fyi, not sure about the particulars of your situation, but upfront costs on accommodations are normally much more in Japan than in other countries. It’s common for move-in costs to be 6-7x monthly rent on legit apartment leases, and that’s expected to be paid before you move in.

  2. Generally speaking, 75,000 per month is enough for a standard one room apartment but
    it depends on regions (However, initial cost is higher. Normally, you need to pay, 1 month deposit, around 60,000 miscellaneous expense such as cleaning fee, key fee etc.).

    Can you be more specific about regions you would like to live in?

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