Taxes in Japan while not working in 2024 and being Canadian Resident

I moved to Japan this April from Canada on a spousal visa with my Japanese wife and kid. My original plan was to get a job and work here, but due to some issues back in Canada, I will need to go back (just me, my wife and my kid will stay in Japan) from September to February before I finally return and start looking for work in Japan.

Due to this issue, I am confused about my taxes in Japan. I will only be living in Japan this year for about 4 months, but I am guessing since I am on a spousal visa, I will need to pay taxes in Japan. Below are some other points to consider. For context, we are currently living at my in-law's place.

  1. I had/will have income from a full-time job and rental income from Canada this year. I will be paying taxes on this income in Canada as a resident of Canada for 2024
  2. I did transfer some money (about 1.75 million yen) to my wife's Japanese account from Canada between March-May.
  3. I would like to bring some more money into Japan to start my life next year in March 2025, maybe around 2 million yen.

Now my questions are

  1. Do I need to do taxes in Japan for 2024?
  2. If yes, am I basically just reporting my worldwide income? Will Japan tax me on it? How will tax treaty between Canada and Japan affect this?
  3. Also, will I need to worry about 1.75 million that I have already sent to my wife's account?
  4. What is the best way to get the next 2 million yen from Canada to Japan for next year, so that I don't have to pay double tax on it? Should I do this before this year ends or in the next calender year?

by BrownSugar20

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