Rude comments from a Individual with an intellectual or developmental disability

So there is this take away place I get from yesterday. The food ended up tasting really good and I want to go back there again. But the cashier seemed to be an Individual with an intellectual or developmental disability, when I was giving them my order they were throwing rude comments in a low voice such as “ブス” “なんで早く言えないの””もう、うるさいよ” others comments were also about my appearance since I am foreigner. This really caught me off guard and I did not know how to confront them and their rude comments to me. Some things they said really upset me. The food was good and I want to go back and order again there but I don’t know how to deal with that cashier if they are there again. Have any of you dealt with this before?

by Ok-Telephone-1991

  1. How about having a quiet word with the manager? Same as anywhere else really.

  2. why didnt you ask them to repeat themselves, in Japanese right after they said it?

  3. do it the japanese way, dont say anything in person and then call afterwards to complain

  4. Did you consider that this person has Tourettes? Careful not to assume, you did say that they might have a learning difficulty.

    Brush it off mate.

  5. I wouldn’t dare go again. If he’s saying all that to your Face I wouldn’t be surprised if your food was being messed with. Call the manager or if you do go again, record.

  6. If they are insulting you to your face, you think they’re not also spitting in your food?

  7. Yes, people with developmental disabilities including Tourette syndrome (which seems to be likely here) also need to work somewhere to feed themselves. Also just because you cannot give it a diagnosis (neither can I), it doesn’t mean the person is necessarily evil.

    Please be nice to them. Tell them softly that being said such things makes you very sad and ask them not to do that again. They aren’t stupid and will try to control themselves more, although sometimes it’s very hard.

  8. Just smile and get your food if it takes good. Life is bigger than sorting out a possibly one time ever meeting a specific cashier. Get that grub

  9. It might be Tourette’s syndrome, or to be more exact, coprolalia, which of some people with Tourette suffer of. It makes one curse and say socially unaccepted words involuntarily and uncontrollably. The person saying the words usually feels bad about saying them but they can’t control it (some blurt out apologies as soon as the tic is over but some might not even be aware of what they have said). If it feels like they were blurting out the words uncontrollably, this is most likely the case.

    In this case, it might help knowing that they didn’t mean anything they were saying and didn’t want to say any of them to you + probably feel bad about it in case they realized what they were saying. You naturally don’t have to put up with it but if I were in your position, I wouldn’t complain about it to the restaurant. If it’s actually Tourette, the person and everyone around them probably already recognize the problem – but unfortunately, there’s no real cure so there’s not much they can do.

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