Witnessed an Ojisan piss his pants on the train

I was on the train on Chuo line. It was not crowded, but all seat were occupied. An Ojisan was standing in front of the lady sitting next to me. I think 15 mins after he boarded the train, he started muttering some words while touching his crotch, and then he proceed to piss his pants.

I was so dumbfounded. I looked around and no one seemed to notice this (or maybe they just decided to ignore this?).

In the next stop, he moved few meters away, leaving his pee puddle. People who boarded the train after this were standing on top of it. I feel so bad for them so I wanted to tell them, but I don't speak good Japanese and I didn't want to cause a ruckus.

When I thought it couldn't go worse, we reached the next stop and many people got off the train because it was a transit station, so several seats became unoccupied. He then SAT on one of the seat with his SOILED pants.

This is by far the most disgusting shit I've ever witnessed on the train in Japan. I've seen people vomit or pass out on the station platform before, but it was not as traumatizing as this.

Anyone ever witnessed similar thing?

by TakoyakiKodaira

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