Japanese Children Walk Differently From Other Kids, Study Finds

Japanese Children Walk Differently From Other Kids, Study Finds


  1. Yeah, different as in worse. Nothing like a bit of internal rotation of the knees while you’re running to make sure you *really* need that knee replacement when you’re old.

  2. There were several government reported studies done in Japan in the late 60s and into thhe 70s discussing the effects of inbreeding in Japan. Most discussed the conditions of Japan being closed for so long and then their reticence to accepting non-Japanese into marriages, older beliefs of marrying within families, then to not having/accepting outsiders in, has caused a situation in which Japan has far fewer unique DNA…less DNA diversity than other countries with more emi/immigration. It is estimated that most Japanese people are related to every other Japanese person within something like “13th cousin” whereas in a country like the US, the difference may be “200th cousin.” (You can see this a bit in the similarities and so many “doppelgangers.”) Anyway, this has caused physical issues such as jaw shrinking (hence such crooked teeth), and an unnatural inward turn on the feet. Next time you are out walking, watch some feet. Not everyone, but you may notice that you will regularly see women with their left feet turned in even a little more than the usual “cute” in turn. Also check the wear on walkers shoes. This lack of diversity is causing the inward turn, the jaw issues, more abnormalities in facial structure. If you Google a bit on Japan, lack of genetic diversity, some of these will pop up.

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