Advice on how can I find out if I’ve applied for a certificate of eligibility before?

In 2020, I was slated to study abroad in Japan in a program beginning in July. I was notified via email at the start of May that all programs were being cancelled. At the time, I had submitted documents to the university in Japan for a CoE application In February of 2020. I didn't receive any word of whether I got a CoE or whether they applied for me.

Fast forward to now, I'm trying to apply to a language school and now applying for a CoE again, and am trying to figure out whether I've applied before. As I understand it failing to answer questions accurately here can get my application denied. Thing is, I have no idea whether I've applied before given what happened.

I reached out to the university in Japan to see if they know and am waiting to hear back, but is there any other way to figure out whether I've applied for a CoE? Like, could I contact the immigration bureau in Japan and would they release that info to me over the phone?

Given what was going on at the time with pandemic, I have to imagine that the school didn't apply for a CoE for me. Right?

by Intelligent-Oil-3513

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