Alternative to JFZ

I’m close to finishing the third book of the Japanese from Zero series, but feel like it’s too slow and that I could be using my time more effectively. So I am looking for alternative resources to help.

I’ve primarily used JFZ textbook as my source of grammar, but have been reading manga and using HelloTalk to improve my vocabulary.

After looking around, I know a lot of people recommend Genki. I’m just concerned starting Genki 1 would basically be starting again, whilst I’m not sure if it’d be appropriate to jump into Genki 2 now.

Tae Kim’s guide seems like it would be quicker progress but it should be used along with other resources?

Any advice/opinions are appreciated 👍

  1. There’s nothing stopping you from buying Genki 1 and skipping what JFZ already taught, you’re not starting from nothing with a new grammar book. I would advise that once you finish either series that you decide, you stop delving into grammar books as a primary* method of study (they still come in handy as secondary resources). Optimally you’d be able to identify grammar structures you don’t know and can then research after finishing a grammar series.

    All resources should be used alongside other resources, none of them are wholistic.

  2. I have done both JFZ and Genki (for no good reason). The content of JFZ 1-3 matches that of Genki 1 almost perfectly, except for the lack of kanji in JFZ. So you can (and should) continue directly with Genki 2. You will only need to catch up with kanjified vocab, which you can do via a Genki 1 Anki deck. But completely starting again with the exercises in Genki 1 would be a big waste of time. I will however say that Genki 2 also teaches you almost exactly what JFZ 4 and 5 does (except for humble/polite speech), because JFZ speeds up a bit with book 4. It is really mostly a different teaching style.

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