Discovered official novelization of 鬼滅の刃 (Demon Hunter) while on a recent trip to Japan!

The novelization is produced by 集英社みらい文庫, and seems to provide one page of text for a given page from the manga. It looks like the author has also started novelizing 呪術廻戦 (jujutsukaizen), but they've only produced the prologue book so far (the book is numbered 0…).

I picked up a copy of both the manga and the novelization, and have been enjoying reading the manga first and then re-reading the same content in the book. My hope in doing this is to make reading the book more comprehensible by practicing embedded reading strategies.

Sorry if this has been discussed before. I did a search on the sub and didn't come across anything on the topic, so I thought I'd share

edit 1: added images. not sure why they didn't upload when post was originally submitted…

edit 2: corrected kanji for 呪術廻戦

by Carbonboil

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