Every time I've taken a ferry in the past, I've paid for and received my reserved tickets right before boarding. This next time though I'm planning to take the first ferry of the morning, and it seems more convenient to go to the office on some earlier day and get the tickets then. Is it usually possible to do that?
The only relevant information I can find on their website says "出航時刻の10分前までに港窓口での乗船券のご購入・乗船手続きをお願いいたします。" which to me indicates that I can buy the tickets and board as late as ten minutes before departure, but not whether the tickets should only become available on that day.
The English website is also relatively vague, including one note about purchasing and boarding 20 minutes before departure (lol 10 minute gaijin tax) and a second note that tickets are valid "only on the day of purchase", which I assume means to say on the indicated day and not necessarily on the actual purchase day.
by nephelokokkygia