Changing jobs on HSP

About to enter the final offer stages now with my potential new employers. They told me that they will be sponsoring my HSP visa and there shouldn't be any issues as I satisfy all the requirements all the way up to 95 points.

I'm kinda curious though, how hard is it to change jobs on HSP? Based on what I see so far in this sub and chatgpt it seems like its a hassle because your new job has to comply with HSP as well.

What if the new job im changing to is also HSP-compliant and they have no problems sponsoring? does it make things easier? I am actually also interviewing with another company and they said they will give HSP too if I did land the offer.

also, is changing jobs in the middle of PR application bad since i plan to try for PR after a year? unless i take a massive paycut i dont think im dropping away from the 95 points on hand

just having thoughts about whats gonna happen if i dont like my new company and what my options are.

by Objective_Ask_9199

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