Random delivery guy stopped to yell and harass us.

In Tokyo finalizing a wonderful albeit slightly underwhelming Japan trip (too high expectations) and we are 4 friends on the corner of a crossing in outer Ginza trying to find a place for a last beer for the night.

We’re perfectly chill minding our own business having a laugh at the corner while looking at google maps for spots.
Suddenly, a wild japenese scooter delivery guy appears, crossing the road and parking his bike a few meters from us. He gets off, and starts cursing at us asking us to “shut up” (urusai?).

We don’t understand much of what this guy is saying but he is incredibly hostile and throwing lots of cussing at us I recognize from anime.

We decide to just walk away as I explain to my group that he seems to be cursing at us quite aggressively.
He seemed to assume we were Americans, which we are not. It’s sad to see as we’ve tried our best to respect cultural and societal norms during our trip (stay quiet, walk in the right side, be extremely mindful etc)

Is this normal in Tokyo?…

by Proud_Honeydew_6115

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