Anypass refund never works due to middle name.

Iv spent 6 months and literally signed up for different banks trying to get these a$$holes to give my money. They refuse to accept my name no matter what I do. Iv tried mashing my first and middle names together as well (This works everywhere else).

Iv been here for years and this single frustration made want to move home. There is no fix and there never will be because Japan banks are stuck in 1982. It's not just anypass, as Mericari also refuses to authenticate my ID for this as well. I was also refused CC and etc because their computer keep saying my information is wrong.

I even registered katakana at the ward, but they refused to remove my middle name. Now that my name is katakana, it helps in some cases (Mericari allows me to do 50000 processes and steals 200 from me…but at least it "works")

It's a never ended issue that I want to just go away.

Again, the ward will not allow me to remove the middle name even in the alias katakana.

And you can't just delete names from your passport.

I'm just forked. Iv been fighting this for months and months now.

Customer service won't help me, they don't care. They just spout the same crap about not being able to see customer bank information.

And you can't check anything, you just get an automatic refused deposit message once a month. So I can't even try more than one thing every 30 days.

Currently Im trying to see if I mash my last+first as last name and middle name as first name.

by cowrevengeJP

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