Advice for teaching EIKEN prep

Hello! I've recently been tasked to teach a special summer session for high school students. The focus is EIKEN speaking and writing sections for students who are going to be taking either the Level 1 or Pre-1 test. The class will be probably around 15 students, and for 5 days.
I have several of the books with lots of samples, and I've also looked at the EIKEN website, and gone through many of the posts in this sub focusing on EIKEN ans so far I plan to dedicate time to: breaking down the test structure and explaining new changes to the test, mock interviewing, narration practice for pre-1, timed writing practice, drilling common grammar and sentence types to describe opinions, practicing summarization to cover the new changes to the test.

I'm curious if anyone here, either other teachers or Eiken examiners, have any advice for me of things I should specifically practice, or advice I should give. If you know areas you've seen other students struggle in, I'd love to hear about it.

I'd also appreciate any advice on administrating the mock interviews. I have done a few before with some other teachers, however I'd love some advice on asking good questions after the student has finished their speech for level 1. I'd love to know what types of questions interviewers ask.

I know there's some information on scoring out there, but if you all have any specific insights I'd be curious to hear that too!

Any and all advice is appreciated! Thank you all in advance!

by WrongdoerUnique6257

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