Advice on NISA using local banks?

Hi, all.

I've read through some posts here, and it seems the general consensus is to NOT use regular/local banks for NISA as they have higher fees vs Rakuten sec and the like.

We recently got accepted for a housing loan from several net banks and our local bank. When we were cancelling with our local bank, they negotiated their rate to almost nearly match the net banks (0.01% diff), along with a lower 手数料. They gave us this on the condition that we invest in NISA using their service. Unfortunately, I didn't do due research before agreeing to this point.

So now, I would like to ask for suggestions and advice on our current plan.

We've already invested money for 2024 NISA. This means that we cannot open a new account with our local bank. So we plan on maximizing NISA for this year in Rakuten sec, in order to maximize gains. Then, from next year, we will maximize only my NISA account (which can stay with Rakuten sec) and put 10-50 man in my husband's NISA account in the local bank.

Is this okay? Or is it smarter to still max out his NISA (given that we have enough funds) even though it's in the local bank?


by melukia

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