Let’s share what you’re doing with JPY cash

If you have a lot of JPY and are doing anything to help ease the pain of JPY devaluation, let's share them here so others can learn.
Please only share if you're actually doing what you're sharing. Please don't share your advice or theoretical plans.

I'll start:

My conviction is that:
1. A US rate cut is on the horizon (late '24, early '25), and that JPY will go back up maybe 5-8% (145-150 range)
2. Japan will step in to defend JPY at 160, so 160 is going to hold
3. US equities, esp. tech, will continue to ride the AI hype, and once a rate cut is more imminent, there will be a meltup

Obviously I could be wrong on any and all of those assumptions , but those are the convictions I base my investments on. With those said, I put my JPY in 4 buckets: (all in IBKR Japan)
– 20% Nasdaq ETF JPY hedged
– 20% S&P ETF JPY hedged
– 30% Nasdaq ETF non hedged
– 30% JPY cash

What are your strategies?

by heyimjustkidding

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