Intinerary check – 19 days sister trip – Tokyo, Kyoto, Koyasan, Osaka, Takayama, Kanazawa, Hakone

Itinerary check – 19 days in September/October

My sister (23) and I (26) will be going for the first time to Japan in mid-september/october. We seem to have settled on this itinerary and booked hotels – but are open to any suggestions or comments, particularly regarding length of stay in each place, whether it is too rushed and we should cut some or if it is ok.

For context : we are both active, used to walking a lot in big European cities, and not looking to over plan the days, we will stick to 1/2 activity a day and mostly just exploring and wandering around.

Day 1 : Tokyo (land at Haneda at 9am).

Day 2 : Tokyo.

Day 3 : Tokyo. Forward luggage to Kyoto.

Day 4 : Tokyo (change hotel – night in capsule hotel for the experience).

Day 5 : Kyoto (travel from Tokyo to Kyoto in the morning).

Day 6 : Kyoto.

Day 7 : Kyoto.
Forward luggage to Osaka directly.

Day 8 : Koyasan (travel from Kyoto to Koyasan around noon).

Day 9 : Osaka (travel from Koyasan to Osaka in the early afternoon).

Day 10 : Osaka.

Day 11 : Osaka (half day trip to Nara).
Forward luggage to Tokyo directly, only keep carry ons for Takayama/Kanazawa/Hakone.

Day 12 : Takayama (travel from Osaka to Takayama with Hida wide view in the early morning + stay at a ryokan for 1 night).

Day 13 : Takayama (leave ryokan in the morning to go to new hotel for 1 night ).

Day 14 : Kanazawa (travel from Takayama to Kanazawa via a Shirakawa-go half day trip).

Day 15 : Kanazawa.

Day 16 : Hakone (travel from Kanazawa to Hakone in the morning + stay at Onsen).

Day 17 : Tokyo (travel from Hakone to Tokyo in the late afternoon).

Day 18 : Tokyo.

Day 19 : Tokyo.

Day 20 : Fly back home in the morning.

We wanted to save the last days in Tokyo for the bigger shopping and free days.

Thank you very much in advance for your suggestions/comments! ☺️

by Ninassirp

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