Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (September 07, 2022)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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  1. I was wondering about this:

    > いい心がけだな。ほめてやるぞ。

    I don’t really understand the part after 心, I’m trying to figure out how to look up けだな.

    Here is some more context:

    > 「おまえら、おれさまのために、そんな危険な森からフルーツを取ってきてくれるとは。いい心がけだな。ほめてやるぞ」

    Otherwise I think it might mean, “You guys want to help get the fruit from the dangerous dark forest. You have a good heart(?). I praise you.”

  2. 太郎はアニメを1本見終わるや否や、別のアニメを借りにレンタルショップに行った。

    What is this 一本? Counter for series?

  3. なんかさっき蛍君に抱き締められたような…

    Character A remembering being hugged by 蛍君

    What is dropped after ような?

  4. I’m reading an article on skincare but I’m confused on the continued usage of ふた.
    例文: ふたおして乾燥お防ぐ
    Based on context it seems like it’s being used in the same way as protection because “cover” doesn’t seem like an adequate word.

  5. What have you “given up” in terms of leisure time to spend on learning Japanese? I’m new at this but I’ve tried to spend at least 2 hrs a day going through Anki and a textbook. This means a lot less time for leisure. I don’t mind so much but I’m curious what you guys did less of? For me, it’s gaming and TV. If a show doesn’t grab me in 15 mins, I’ll stop watching it because I keep thinking I should be spending that time on Japanese instead.

  6. > というわけで

    I see this phrase a lot at the start of sentences. What does it mean exactly? I perceive it as something along the lines of “in this case…”. Splitting it into words doesn’t really make sense to me: “using the so-called conclusion…”

  7. In English, we usually say “i’m still learning” as an indirect way to say that you haven’t mastered a certain skill yet.

    Can i use a similar expression in Japanese? Or does “i’m still learning” always means that you are currently doing the action of learning?

  8. Hi. I think に is used because Mr. Uemura was being interviewed. I wonder if と can also be used to mean the same thing, or would that mean Uemura helped with the interview? I ask because I think “with” works either way in English?


  9. “ストレスが多くて心が休まりませんか?”, what is the use of 多い being in the て form here?

  10. これをぼくは、第二の言語であると考えます。

    This is used as the last line summing up the author’s thoughts on two different kinds of speech. I can’t figure out what the を is doing here though.

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