Any Work or Study Opportunities for Mid-Career Professionals looking to move to Japan?

I am older (38) with a mid-level career and a family. When I was younger I did the JET Program for two years, and after that I worked for Japanese companies for almost a decade. I have JLPT N1 and speak Japanese well enough to be able to work in a company (although I must admit I am very rusty).

I am looking to move back to Japan and noticed it is extremely difficult to get hired in Japan if you are not already in the country looking for a job. While I am open to going back to school, I feel that many of the programs in Japan (masters included) are tailored toward young people in their early to mid twenties.

Are there any opportunities, such as an academic program, a fellowship, or even a pathway to a job for someone who is mid-career in Japan? I have a background in international business and trade and speak fluent Mandarin as well.

Husband and I are very tired of life in the US. I have many friends in Japan and, while I may have rose-colored glasses right now, miss the peace and stability of Japanese life. We are both ready to leave the US and raise our family in a safer environment. Since I speak Japanese and know the culture well (but do not have citizenship), it seems Japan would be an easy move. I know there are major drawbacks (xenophobia, bullying, loneliness, etc..), but even if it is only for a few years I would like to go back to Japan.

Appreciate any tips!

by hairuolan

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