Want to have a picnic/BBQ near Okutama. Request for parking/area near the riverbed

UPDATE : Does not really have to be Okutama. Any riverside is fine but preferably more towards the outskirts and less crowded.

Good morning.

I am a fairly new driver and have been driving here since last October. This summer I plan on going on a very small picnic/bbq with my family near Okutama. I see oftentimes people parked up right next to the riverside with their cars. But I am not sure how to locate any of the locations on Google maps.

If anyone can suggest an area (or how can I search similar type of area on google maps) where I can ideally park my car next to the riverbed and have a nice day that would be very helpful.

It doesn't matter if I have to pay for parking there too.

Thank you

by madillusionist_

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