Tokyo or Osaka Embassy

Hello, I’d like to apply for a US visa at one of the embassies. Which one is less crowded, friendlier, and so on? I live geographically in the middle of two cities, so I’ll choose one based on the answers to this question. Thank you.

  1. You may also want to try asking in /r/Osaka.

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  2. Sorry it’s not US, but maybe the info is on their website.

    When I had to get a passport renewal, the embassy rule was: Aichi and anything east = Tokyo, Mie and anything west is Osaka.

  3. I have never found the embassy in Tokyo to be “friendly,” just professional. My understanding is that you need to make an appointment, so just go to whichever one fits with your schedule better. Everyone else has an appointment too, so neither will necessarily be “less crowded” than the other.

  4. The one where you can get the appointment. I think it’s pretty full right now. Last month my friend flew to Sapporo to apply for a visa there because he couldn’t get the slot in Tokyo.

  5. Isnt there a jurisdiction for the embassies/consulates? Meaning you cant just choose which one you go to.

  6. Don’t know about Tokyo, but the Osaka embassy is surrounded by police armed to the teeth, with broomsticks.

    Wouldn’t want to get on their wrong side.

    If the risk of getting poked with a stick doesn’t phase you, then Osaka will probably be less crowded. Not that that matters much as you will have to make an appointment anyway.

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