Summer heat in Tokyo was not that bad – July 2024

Just back from spending a week in Tokyo and had an amazing time. One thing that I was terrified about was the heat due to all of the fear mongering that happens on Reddit. When doing my research 95% of people were saying how brutal it was and how it negatively impacted their trip. Just wanted to post a thread for anyone who is planning to go to Tokyo during the summer and is nervous that you will be ok!

Was it hot? Yes, it was. But I wouldn't even consider it top 3 heat that I have experienced. There was at least a nice little breeze in Tokyo. If you're from Florida you will be OK. Also the middle east summer heat is hotter IMO. The fear mongering did prepare me though, I wore comfortable and breathable clothes, drank tons of electrolytes from pocari sweat, cold towel, and took advantage of the AC when possible. The metros all have cold AC blowing, the supermarkets and shopping malls all have AC as well. We walked an average of 15-20k steps a day and were exhausted by the end of the day but never felt like we were in danger or fainting etc. Just be prepared and you will be good!

by miaheat1

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