Would like to switch company after applying for CoE

Hello all,

I would like to apply for CoE for my wife through my current company. As we may already know, CoE might take 1-2 months to get processed. I don't want to stay in my current company as my patience for bullshit ran out. I want to bring my wife here ASAP as things on the other side are not that good either. So I would like to apply for CoE through my current organization and switch company while CoE is under process. Is there any issue? Can I obtain the dependent visa without any fuzz? Or should I wait until CoE is processed?
Any advice and comment would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

by Ok_Wait5049

1 comment
  1. Okay I’m confused.

    1. Does your wife qualify for a work visa and has she been offered a job at the company you work at? Because if not that’s not how any of this works.

    2. Since your wife would presumably still be employed by the company in question why would your leaving that company (or being involved with that company at all) have any impact on HER COE?

    3. If you’re applying for a Dependent visa then you might get some questions and need to show you still make enough money to support yourself and your wife but otherwise you should be fine if you leave one company for another, you might need a little extra paperwork is all. As long as you have proof you can still support you both there should be no problems.

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