Is the sentence, correct?

This is the written sentence: 「喋れるの?喋れないの?喋れないなら喋れないって言えよ」- meant to say "Can you speak? Can’t you speak? If you can’t speak, just say that you can’t."

Here is a correction provided by someone who claimed to be N1 (yes, they gave even a link to a video):

Grammar wrong
Refer here.

Was the initial sentence correct? Or was the correction provided by the N1 person correct? I have asked others before about the corrected sentence as 「喋れないなら喋れないで言え」and they have told me they didn't understand what it meant, and quote:

Makes no sense cuz it means say without speaking (potential form) lmaooo

it makes literally no sense

I thought I should ask in here to see if I can get better insights.

by shoshinsha00

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