Is there any bank account which let you to deposit usd directly earned from side work?

I an doing side hustle with air bnb and other renting related things outside Japan.
I am getting paid every months in usd. But I have linked my Japanese bank for the payment received so I receive my payments in jpy. After I receive the payment, I then deposit it to same foreign account in usd.
But is there any bank account or other way that lets you to deposit usd directly from source?

  1. Sony bank (and Shinsei, too iirc) allows multi-currency accounts for individuals. Are you getting the remittance by swift transfer? In that case yes, with either of those banks, you should be able to designate to receive and leave it in USD account. Then you can transfer it back out somewhere (via swift) in USD, or convert to JPY as needed.

    Also you might want to check out r/JapanFinance for questions like these (including any tax questions you may have about this)

  2. Most of the major banks like SMBC and MUFG can open foreign currency account (外貨預金) as long as its one of the major world currency. Just need to check where the money is send from, you might get charge for international fee every time receiving deposit.

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