Nexplanon removal experience

I recently had my Nexplanon implant removed in Tokyo. I knew where to go thanks to information from this sub, so I wanted to add up to date info for anyone else needing the same in the future. I'm going to include the full details because I know it can be a bit nerve-racking going in for something like this, especially if you've never had the removal before.

I went to by applying for an appointment online. The process was very smooth – email confirmations were in English.

The procedure itself went great. The office is clean and bright, and staff were friendly and spoke good English. I had to fill in a form in English when I arrived, asking basic medical information (allergies, other meds, previous surgeries etc). I was the only patient there, I think – no waiting, was seen immediately.

The doctor was formal and business-like but friendly. He checked some medical history stuff, and then had me lie down, fully clothed, on the exam table. I was wearing a loose short-sleeved shirt so it was easy to access the implant site – it might be smart to try to wear something similar. He palpated my arm till he identified the implant, and then marked its location with marker pen.

He had two assistants with him to help pass supplies etc. He sterilized the whole area, and then put a surgical cloth over my arm. Then it was one small injection which was just the *tiniest* bit uncomfortable (not even painful). The anesthetic seemed to work very, very fast – after just a few seconds of him massaging the injection site he was able to proceed. The remove itself took a couple of minutes – I'd had my implant for 4 years, and had put on weight since getting it, so it was placed quite deep. There was zero pain, just a small sensation of pressure or pulling, but very very faint.

I got one stitch (also painless) and a big band-aid. From what the doctor said, it sounds like some patients don't even need the stitch. I will go back in one week to get the stitch removed, and was given a short course of antibiotics (the clinic is able to just give you the medication direct – you don't need to go to a pharmacy). He did not prescribe pain meds and I have not needed them. My arm has been a little bit tender, especially if I roll onto it in bed at night, but nothing close to what I would even take an Advil for.

The whole thing took about 10-15 minutes start to finish. I have Japanese health insurance, which the clinic accepts, and my bill was ¥3000 including the antibiotics.

Happy to answer any questions folks have about the process, here or by DM.

by third-time-a-charm

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