Japanese Fighting On Russian Ukraine War Frontline For Russia

Japanese Fighting On Russian Ukraine War Frontline For Russia

by Prestigious_Net_8356

  1. I just noticed the video is 10 months old, I have to wonder if he’s still alive? I’ve read that Russia has been closing in on 470,000 losses.

  2. TL;DW dude basically saw some news saying, “it’s not all Russia’s fault”, and because he likes a tennis player.. he decided to become meat for the Russian grinder.

    Surely there are better things to do when you have too much free time on your hands…

  3. Japan and Russia are technically at war since WW2 since a peace deal was never signed between the two. So technically speaking he’s literally a traitor to his own country. I wonder if he knew that

  4. He looks like he is running from something, seeing the tattoos on his chest infers that he was former yakuza.

  5. Holy moly this title threw me for a loop. I thought it meant “THE Japanese” rather than “this one JAPANESE guy” and was like “!!?WTF??”.


  6. Those comments in the video make me feel sick how can there be anyone who sees this war in russias favour??? The things they have done, the people they have killed, the millions they have displaced…but no glory to russia the totally good guys of this war just fuck man.

  7. Don’t read the YT comments, you’ll die of brain cancer.

    I did and I’m dead (inside) now.

  8. This journalist, his channel, and all those who follow him are pretty much tools used by Russia to spread the notion that “both sides have their reasons”. He wants to show the “other side” because the media only shows Ukraine’s side as the good guys when Russia has good guys too. I watched through a handful of his other videos and read the comments that went along with them. Just sickening, and his agenda is clear as a pane of glass.

    Just fucking *no* dude. I don’t give a shit that some of the soldiers are good people doing what they think is right. The Russian forces are the invaders, and deserve no, “But they’re good too!” treatment by the world media.

    Russia needs to be defeated, and any Russian force within Ukraine’s borders deserves to be vanquished.

    Fuck Russia, fuck this journalist, fuck that Japanese dipshit.

  9. They’re sleeper cells getting the call for their stupid motherland. Now if I am correct, these guys are presumably from communist party of Japan or something.

  10. Some of those translations were so bad. He said that he thinks his mother is alive, but he doesn’t know for sure. She abused him when he was small, so he cut ties with her. I hope he doesn’t get in trouble relying on auto translating.

  11. I suppose its better than jumping in front of a train & causing multiple train delays for everyone back in Japan.

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