How is universal studios this time of year

So I’m here for another two days and am wondering if universal studios if worth it at this time of year. It would only we a day trip from Kyoto so I couldn’t stay too long.

by InformalAd7542

  1. Personally, I don’t think it’s worth the trip at the moment.
    They seem to have closed a couple of rides that have not been replaced and plus the current construction of the new Donkey Kong area in Nintendo world meaning there’s less rides overall at the moment.

    It’s also spring break for uni students if I recall correctly so it has been crowded the last two times I went (2 weeks ago and yesterday) alongside with the cold weather, it makes waiting in line for 1-2 hours for a ride pretty unbearable.

  2. It’s not worth it, the place is always packed.

    If you really want to go, get there right at opening, and do single rider. That’s the only way you’ll hit the rides you want. By noon the lines will be insanely long. I’d say skip USJ, and just hang around Osaka itself, way less hectic and cheaper imo.

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